Our server is an Intel Core i7-6700K 4.2GHz with 64gB of RAM hosted on a 250mB/s connection based in Beauharnois, CA.
For more information please view our Frequently Asked Questions.
Administrators generally own and run RSCEmulation. It's their responsibility to keep everything under control as well as recruiting the other staff. They update, maintain and develop the server, game, database and website. You should only contact an administrator if other staff members ask you to as they're normally busy.
Administrator Comments: 1,346 Contact: PM |
Administrator Comments: 42 Contact: PM |
Comments: 1 Contact: PM |
Comments: 0 Contact: PM |
Developers assist the administrators in developing RSCEmulation.
Could not find any developers. |
There's many questions new (and old) players will want to ask so instead of us having to answer them over and over again, we felt it would be easier to list the most common questions right here. Simply click the question to show the answer. If your question isn't answered here or you think there's a question that should be here please post a new topic in our Support section.